Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Siapa Kejar Siapa?

Dia kejar kucing ke, anak kucing kejar dia? Pastu jatuh...dan terus tengok TV. Yang lagi dua, masih kejar mengejar sampai penat...pastu mengiaw kuat.

Actually the two kids are on a big mission. Teaching the kitten how to crawl on four legs. Believe it or not...


Anonymous said...

dear ydiana

bukan sahaja anak kucing yang cute. Jelas yang mengejarkan pun cute juga. Malah keseluruhan episod pun cute.

Ydiana said...

Hello Shirzad

Cute right? Its my personal favorite which was 'filmed' a few years ago. I just had to keep this clip. Glad you like it!

cakapaje said...

Salam ydiana,

So, that's the young Minty...the guy who broke my heart.

Say, the girl in the video wouldn't be you, would she?

Ydiana said...

Hey Shah

Salam. Guy or gal, Minty is a very loving cat. Once he get to know you, he will be all over you, literally. He'll mend your broken heart in no time, though he doubts that you are. ;)

Hamba ALLAH said...

apelah ingat kan mase bdk tu jatuh dia nangis rupanya terus tgk tv. hahaha. tp bdk tu x comey kucingnyer je yg comey.

Ydiana said...

Salam Hamba Allah

Terima kaseh atas komen anda! Kucing tu memang cute! Sekarang dah hensem.

Budak tu pun dah hemsem gak. :)