Wednesday, May 28, 2008

A letter to Wilders, by Shirzad Lifeboat

A letter to Wilders
Shirzad Lifeboat
Mon Mar 31, 08 6:58:39 am MYT

The face of a person can tell a lot about him. So when I look at your face, I could not miss that evilish look which you could not conceal it.

Adolf Hitler had that sort of face too. Just that while Hitler's face revealed a trace of intelligence, your face is nothing but a face of a true nincompoop.

Read the rest of the artcle Here.

I was tipped by a friend that my blogger friend Shirzad Lifeboat is a writer, so I googled up his article and found this.

Hey Shirzad, I hope you don't mind me posting it here coz I find the picture too comical to pass.

After I saved the photo, just for uploading purpoese, I will quickly delete them from 'my picture' file. Baaaad vibes...hehehe..

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Entertainment in Court

Just for laughs...

I was clearing my old e-mails in my inbox (>300) when I come across this attachemnt sent by a friend. You must listen to the song.. its so hillarious!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Siapa Kejar Siapa?

Dia kejar kucing ke, anak kucing kejar dia? Pastu jatuh...dan terus tengok TV. Yang lagi dua, masih kejar mengejar sampai penat...pastu mengiaw kuat.

Actually the two kids are on a big mission. Teaching the kitten how to crawl on four legs. Believe it or not...

Friday, May 9, 2008

Ubah Gaya Hidup....

Nama-nama Jepun yand Diminati


1.Yg pemarah- KEJI CACIMAKI

2. Yg tak suka brg mahal- SATO SUKAMURA


4. Yg suka makan tose- NANACHI HITOSE

5. Yg suka lagu blues- APO NADIKATO

6.Yg suka belajar- ASIKO ULANGKAJI

7. Yg kerap bikin ribut- WAKASI HURUHARA

8. Yg masih bujang- MATIMATI TAMOKASI

9 .Yg asyik berbini - ASIKO GILOBETINOKO

Thursday, May 8, 2008

My Engrish Not So Good!

(with thanks to snowflake...)

And if you're dead, please get to the hospital....

A difficult meal....?

I wouldn't dare.......

I'll keep a look out.....

Press it because you want to....

Yeah, cheated out of breathing....

Start with the big toe...

That would explain the beer cubs outside....

Well, it is free.....

How do you do?

I give my life and my company, but they just keep demanding more...

Falling should be planned....

Other Children are OK....


Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Cikit-cikit aje...

Bila orang dah bising....

Confession time.

Semangat tuuu....

Hak Cipta TAK terpelihara. Diciplak dari e-mail berantai....